Good Habits No. 2

My Good Habit No. 2 is to decide on that “one healthy thing” you will aim to repeat each day.

Muscle memory is what this is about guys, by repeating something every day, preferable at the same time, re-educates your body or mind to such a degree that it becomes second nature, even part of your DNA !

Right, so now you have your non-negotiable down whats next ? Well, at the beginning of a new year I like to re-adjust my health goals from the past year (don’t we all) and pin point what I am looking to get out of the year ahead. Invariably I look back and see that there were some health and wellness blips, some epic and some minor niggles. For example I promised myself I would practice mindfulness each evening, do my sit ups each day and drink 8 glasses of water too, sound familiar ??? so, truth be told I did not do so well with any of the above, there were just too many things to remember so I ended up doing none of them. Is this ringing any bells ?

Firstly do not beat yourself up about the epic whoopsies of the year gone by, just cast them aside – no one is perfect !! and give yourself a huge pat on the pack for at least three things that you did achieve (no matter how small you may view them they are nonetheless little gold stars and we like these), bravo you !!

So here’s when you need to choose your “one healthy thing” that you will repeat on a daily basis throughout 2018.  Choose something that will be straightforward to achieve around your daily commitments.  As much as I hate to give examples here these are the sorts of things I am thinking about:- take a walk every day in the fresh air, read every evening before bed and nuke that pre-bed screen time, do a daily mantra/meditation/mini exercise routine etc.. but we are ONLY concentrating on one thing here guys no long list (they just don’t work and I can attest to that). Ideally it should be something that does not take up a huge chunk of time, infact in my experience the quicker it takes to do, the more likely you are going to achieve it.

So, write down your “one healthy thing to repeat daily” along with your “one non-negotiable health goal” and store that piece of paper away somewhere safe as we will be checking up on that from time to time.

Wow if you are still with me on this well done you, you are making fabulous in-roads into a great start to the year. Keep it going, you are amazing, has anyone told you that today !



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